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Construction Products Regulation

Construction Products Regulation

European Construction Product Regulation for coaxial cables

The European Construction Product Regulation 305/2011 (CPR for short) sets uniform rules for the use of building products within buildings for all EU member states. The implementation of the CPR is regulated by DIN EN 50575: 2017-02. The objective of the CPR / DIN EN 50575 is to increase the fire safety in buildings.


As of July 1st, 2017, the coaxial cables of SSB-Electronic GmbH have a corresponding fire classification and service agreement, as the CPR provides. Correspondingly, the coaxial cables are CE marked.

The CE marking is clearly visible, readable and permanent on the product label.
Additional labeling, such as origin, description and fire behavior, can also be found in the labeling. As a manufacture, we provide each tested cable with a service declaration, which contains precise information about the fire behavior, which you can download at any time from our website.

Coaxial Cable Euroclass according to
EN 50575
Building Fire Safety
Application Area Classification Criteria AVCP System
(Assessment and Verification of
Constancy of Performance)
Aircell 5 Eca low Cables for standard applications:
in buildings with low height or low volume of occupants, in appartments

Flame propagation
EN 60332-1-2
H ≤ 425 mm

System 3:
Initial type-testing by third-party notified testing laboratory

Factory production control (FCB) by manufacturer

Aircell 7
Ecoflex 10
Ecoflex 10 PLUS
Ecoflex 15
Ecoflex 15 PLUS
Aircom Premium
Ecoflex Multicore
Ecoflex 10 PLUS

Ecoflex 10 FRNC

s1 d0 a1
high Cables for areas with
increased fire risk:

in tower buildings,
facilities, administration & office buildings, commercial buildings,
restaurants, hotels,
underground parking,
schools, prisons, leisure facilities, etc.

Flame propagation
EN 60332-1-2
H ≤ 425 mm

Heat release,
Flame spread
EN 50399
FS ≤ 2,0 m
THR ≤ 30 MJ
max. HRR ≤ 60 kW
FIGRA ≤ 300 W/s
flame source = 20,5 kW

Smoke production
EN 50399/EN 61034-2
s1, s1a, s1b, s2, s3

EN 60754-2
a1, a2, a3

Flaming droplets
EN 50399
d0, d1, d2
System 1+:
Initial type-testing by third-party notified product certification body

Continuous factory inspection by third-party notified product certification body

Continuous audit testing of samples by third-party notified product certification body


Factory production control (FCB) by manufacturer



Ecoflex 15 PLUS

Ecoflex 15 FRNC

s2 d2 a1
Aircell 5 Heatex

Aircell 7 Heatex
s1 d0 a1
s1a d1 a1
very high Cables for areas with
high fire risk:

in hospitals, care facilities,
day-care centers for children,
server rooms, road and
railway tunnels, facilities for storing substances with an increased risk of fire, etc.

s1a d0 a1

Download Declaration of Performance (DoP) of SSB cables:

Download Declaration of Performance (DoP) of RFS CELLFLEX® cables:

All CELLFLEX® SCF/LCF cables with jacket option "J" have the Euroclass "F / not classified" because none of the CPR classes are fulfilled.

Euroclass of RFS RADIAFLEX® cables:

Cable Jacket option
RADIAFLEX® RLK types 1/2" Cca s1a d1 a1 Cca s1a d0 a1 B2ca s1a d0 a1
RADIAFLEX® RCF types 1/2" Cca s1a d1 a1 not available not available
RADIAFLEX® RLK types 7/8" Dca s1b d2 a1 Dca s1b d2 a1 B2ca s1a d0 a1
RADIAFLEX® RLF types 7/8" Dca s1b d2 a1 Dca s1b d2 a1 B2ca s1a d0 a1
RADIAFLEX® RAY types 7/8" Dca s1b d2 a1 Dca s1b d2 a1 B2ca s1a d0 a1

Download Declaration of Performance (DoP) of RFS RADIAFLEX® cables:

Euroclass of fibre optic cables from DÄTWYLER:

Cable Item no.
Reaction to fire
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x4 E9/125 G.652.D OS2 19020300DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x8 E9/125 G.652.D OS2 19020500DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x12 E9/125 G.652.D OS2 19007700DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 2x12 E9/125 G.652.D OS2 19007100DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal wbGGFR 4x12 E9/125 G.652.D OS2 19020800EZ Eca
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x4 G50/125 OM3 18598900DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x8 G50/125 OM3 18595900DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x12 G50/125 OM3 18635000DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 2x12 G50/125 OM3 18643200DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal wbGGFR 4x12 G50/125 OM3 18648600EZ Eca
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x4 G50/125 OM4 19271200DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x8 G50/125 OM4 18736300DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 1x12 G50/125 OM4 19125100DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal ZGGFR 2x12 G50/125 OM4 19125200DZ Dca-s2,d1,a1
FO Universal wbGGFR 4x12 G50/125 OM4 19127800EZ Eca

Download Declaration of Performance (DoP) of fibre optic cables from DÄTWYLER:

The products of SSB-Electronic GmbH are therefore safe, tested, classified and thus fully comply with European legislation.

Quality Made in Germany.